WELCOME TO GEORGE's BLOG !! [ghughie.blogspot.com]

Welcome Friends!! Read my blog postings below and add your comments where appropriate!

This blog site generally relates to the stated topic above and as it is part of major environmental health and waste management issues, it would be appreciated if related constructive comments, contributions, reviews and advice are given.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reminder for required information

[This reminder message was on the 22nd April since there was no response to the first on sent on the 7th April 2010]

Hi guys!
Sorry to disturb your pleasant day! I am coming back for some assistance since no one has responded to my previous email on the subject matter.

I understand that you have no time for this as it is in the way of your work, but as a courtesy, I am seeking assistance and contributions to verify my project. I understand also that the speed of the internet system is very slow so it is time-consuming so you can not possibly access my blog site.

Anyway, to make it simple, please respond to the questions I am posing here:

1. Is household garbage collection a problem in your area (place of residence)?
2. Is recycling a better option to reduce the amount of household waste?
3. Is it possible for a community involvement in waste recycling within your area?
4. Can each suburb be able to contain its own garbage disposal issues?
5. What is the better option to reducing household waste disposal?

If you can access my blog site, you can be able to understand the project further. Check http://ghughie.blogspot.com - for further details.

If a number of you respond before Monday 26th by 12pm, to the questions posed, it would be highly appreciated and of great help to my project - due 2pm.

Respond via this email address.




Veari Mavu said...

Top day George.

Sorry I cant access the blog site due company internet policy....

Anyway, answer to the questions;

1. Not really a problem at this stage (Boroko). The only problem is they sometimes dont collect the garbage.
2. Yes...If we could have two garbage bins (one for recycle and the other for rubbish).
3. I guess so...but then it takes someone (probably NCDC) to take the initiative.
4. Of course...
5. Draw up a waste management matrix on when to collect garabge. Also, recycling will help.

All the best with your assignment....

Best Regards,

Eunice Avorosi said...

[This response by Eunice and the above one by Veari were sent via email on the 22nd April 2010]

Hi George,

Sorry. I meant to assist you in your project. I logged on to the blog you created but didn’t find the time to complete what I started.

I hope the short answers I gave (in blue under each of your questions) are somewhat useful. You can actually do a little more research to expand the idea I gave in my answer to question #3. But if you can think of a better option, then go for it.

Cheers and all the best in your project.

Best regards,


From: Mr George Ume [mailto:george.ume@uqconnect.edu.au]
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 2:41 AM
To: angelam@ncdc.gov.pg; raim@lands.gov.pg; abbya@lands.gov.pg; avorosie@lands.gov.pg; aok@lands.gov.pg; awukoj@lands.gov.pg; kapanomboa@lands.gov.pg; konigalaj@lands.gov.pg; warir@lands.gov.pg; marikag@lands.gov.pg; morovef@lands.gov.pg; pomoht@lands.gov.pg; Mr Linus Magum Billy; Mr Kelly Nelson Kabilo; simeona@lands.gov.pg; sesevee@lands.gov.pg; sholis@y7mail.com; vitolond@lands.gov.pg; VMavu@bsp.com.pg; jasiiw@lands.gov.pg; thomass@lands.gov.pg; mahirop@lands.gov.pg; charliem@lands.gov.pg; diraa@lands.gov.pg; jmiria@lands.gov.pg
Subject: FW: Garbage recycling & proper garbage disposal methods: City of Port Moresby

Hi guys!
Sorry to disturb your pleasant day! I am coming back for some assistance since no one has responded to my previous email on the subject matter.

I understand that you have no time for this as it is in the way of your work, but as a courtesy, I am seeking assistance and contributions to verify my project. I understand also that the speed of the internet system is very slow so it is time-consuming so you can not possibly access my blog site.

Anyway, to make it simple, please respond to the questions I am posing here:

1. Is household garbage collection a problem in your area (place of residence)?
Yes, it is always a problem. Like currently, we have garbage that is two weeks old still sitting in the trash trays out on the front yard of the compound we live in. It’s already rotting and making the whole neighbourhood sick.

2. Is recycling a better option to reduce the amount of household waste?
If recycling is actively considered as an option, it will solve a lot of our problems.

3. Is it possible for a community involvement in waste recycling within your area?
I think one of the best ways to solve our garbage crisis in the community, would be for the city authorities to educate all the households on how they can separate household waste before collection. They could probably provide garbage bins or bags in colour codes, e.g., red is for tins, blue for glass, white for plastics, and green for food waste (which can probably be disposed in a large community held compost pit that community members could use as fertilizer for their flower gardens or back yard vegetable gardens). The other items can be brought directly to their respective recycle sites and recycled.

4. Can each suburb be able to contain its own garbage disposal issues?
Community groups/committees can be formed and when properly informed and empowered about the issues and possible solutions, it will prove to be a successful initiative.

5. What is the better option to reducing household waste disposal?
**I think my answer is already given under question #3.

If you can access my blog site, you can be able to understand the project further. Check http://ghughie.blogspot.com - for further details.

If a number of you respond before Monday 26th by 12pm, to the questions posed, it would be highly appreciated and of great help to my project - due 2pm.

Respond via this email address.



Suman Holis said...

[This response is from Suman Holis (sholis@y7mail.com)emailed on the 23rd April 2010]

Hi George,

How are you. I know it will be pretty hectic in terms of study, assignments, projects, etc.

Well I can just make simple answers to your 5 questions. I know it would be good to have detailed answers but I also can't give that as I have a limited understanding of the garbage recycling thing. My simple answers are as followsw;

Answ to Q 1 is Yes. There's the problem of up to date garbage collection leaving garbage to rotting and stinking - not a pleasant smell to take and also maybe health hazard.

Answ to Q 2 is I would say Yes, but may be costsly for the local authority. But good to encourage people to do that in return for payment.

Ans to Q 3 is Yes, but needs allot of effort and good cordination by the local authority to do awareness.

Ans to Q 4 is No, as it would be difficult. It all comes back to attitude of people here in NCD. With the way people are going in terms of rubbish all over the city, I think people are disrespectful, ignorant and don't care about putting rubbish in the right place.

Ans to q 5 is maybe NCDC Charge high spot fines and penalties, but it needs a workable system, would be costly or otherwise outsource to a Private Company.

I hope it helps.



--- On Wed, 21/4/10, Mr George Ume wrote:

From: Mr George Ume
Subject: FW: Garbage recycling & proper garbage disposal methods: City of Port Moresby
To: "angelam@ncdc.gov.pg" , "raim@lands.gov.pg" , "abbya@lands.gov.pg" , "avorosie@lands.gov.pg" , "aok@lands.gov.pg" , "awukoj@lands.gov.pg" , "kapanomboa@lands.gov.pg" , "konigalaj@lands.gov.pg" , "warir@lands.gov.pg" , "marikag@lands.gov.pg" , "morovef@lands.gov.pg" , "pomoht@lands.gov.pg" , "Mr Linus Magum Billy" , "Mr Kelly Nelson Kabilo" , "simeona@lands.gov.pg" , "sesevee@lands.gov.pg" , "sholis@y7mail.com" , "vitolond@lands.gov.pg" , "VMavu@bsp.com.pg" , "jasiiw@lands.gov.pg" , "thomass@lands.gov.pg" , "mahirop@lands.gov.pg" , "charliem@lands.gov.pg" , "diraa@lands.gov.pg" , "jmiria@lands.gov.pg"
Received: Wednesday, 21 April, 2010, 4:41 PM

Hi guys!
Sorry to disturb your pleasant day! I am coming back for some assistance since no one has responded to my previous email on the subject matter.

I understand that you have no time for this as it is in the way of your work, but as a courtesy, I am seeking assistance and contributions to verify my project. I understand also that the speed of the internet system is very slow so it is time-consuming so you can not possibly access my blog site.

Anyway, to make it simple, please respond to the questions I am posing here:

1. Is household garbage collection a problem in your area (place of residence)?
2. Is recycling a better option to reduce the amount of household waste?
3. Is it possible for a community involvement in waste recycling within your area?
4. Can each suburb be able to contain its own garbage disposal issues?
5. What is the better option to reducing household waste disposal?

If you can access my blog site, you can be able to understand the project further. Check http://ghughie.blogspot.com - for further details.

If a number of you respond before Monday 26th by 12pm, to the questions posed, it would be highly appreciated and of great help to my project - due 2pm.

Respond via this email address.



Adrian Abby said...

[This response by Adrian Abby was emailed 27th April 2010)

Our Email was down for couple of weeks and problem accessing your site was a night mare.

Q1. Yes, depends on the capacities of the Contractors in each suburb. i.e. transportation, manpower and time management. Also in most cases PNG Attitudes for instance NCDC does not pay them on time or no payment at all for lack of budgetary funding yu save olgeta by relax tasol.

Q2. Yes, but attention to garages where waste oil is dumped into drainage systems and fast food oily fats clogging underground storm water drainage.

Q3. Yes provide special bins for each recycle product waste i.e. card boards, papers, bottles, plastics, etc.

Q4. Depends NCDC strategize their waste management system in POM be Recycled.

Look at Baruni Dump as far as history of soiled and burning of open waste is a hazard to environment and people. Recycling would be best approach to our household wastes.
Future congestions of surrounded buildings like skyscrapers would be problems and our current systems would be a sore eye like everything else bores down to anybody, somebody, nobody systems.

Marvellous Studio said...

Nice, Thanks for posting
Best garbage disposals