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Saturday, May 22, 2010

My fear is gradually fading.........

[Posted in the Blackboard Class Discussion Board on Saturday 15th May 2010 at 3:01:02 AM EST]

No relevance to any projects, but just a reflection of my personal approach in absorbing the assessment results.................

Coming out from the 'thorny' weeks of assessment, I have realised that proper planning and time management can really change whatever situation you may be in. Absorbing the results of three of the four recent assessment submissions, it made me believe that I have been under-estimating my own capabilities, ..probably because of the mental fear and pressure taking advantage over me. My realisation has resulted from taking the comments given positively, even though I had average marks. Full blame on me as these were the results of my own doing.
The group project from a course I take had very pleasing results and the group is happy with the results and want to achieve a better result on the presentation and final submission. A positive thought by each member of the group. It all comes down to a good teamwork, a good team spirit and positive mindset. Cooperation, support and participation, and good understanding among all members have produced pleasing results. That I see is a clear example of practical 'collective action' striving for desired outcomes.
The results of another course was not too pleasing, however that have given me the challenge and the opportunity to produce a better work in my final assessment. "Pity as you are more than capable' hit the point. I have learnt and understood my mistakes and failures. I have taken the comments as a positive step for positive results.
The results of my Project Plan, however had been better than I expected. Time management was the key issue because I had to do two assignments simultaneously since they had the same due date. That forced me into typing errors, 'Americanized' words, and a bit of repetition work and less attention on sentence structure. Even lost marks for (very) late submission and excess length. However, since the mark was better than expected, my FEAR to tackle my project is starting to fade and the COURAGE to continue to work my project plan is now gripping in........

I encourage my fellow students who are more or less in the same situation as me to 'think positively, plan positively and work positively' to achieve the desired outcomes.

1 comment:

Hisayo said...

Dear George

Your blog looks great :)

Thanks for sharing your reflection! Agree, positive attitude is very important!!

I want to be postitive as much as possible next 4 weeks towards the completion of degree! We can do it!!

Warm regards,